These 40 Car Parts Are Worth A Surprising Amount Of Money

All automobile enthusiasts should know that cars have more value than what's quoted on the sticker or resale listing. Vehicles are made up of many accessories and parts, all of which serve different purposes and come with corresponding values. Some of these are important utility parts that can fetch you a good amount if you plan to sell them off, while others are fancy accessories that might be overheads for you but can be sold at a good price to others. Here are some surprising car parts that might be worth a pretty penny. Read on to learn more.

GPS Systems

GPS System
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

One of the most important accessories in your car is the GPS system. While many of us now use our mobile phones to navigate, your car's built-in GPS system can still fetch you a good amount, whether sold separately as a portable unit or along with the whole car itself.

GPS systems in a car aren't yet obsolete and if your car has one, it's definitely an advantage for the next buyer. You can easily charge an extra hundred or two hundred bucks for it when you're selling the car.

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Car Bumpers
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Bumpers fall into the "safety" department in automobiles, which means that they are pretty valuable when compared to other car parts. If you look around, you'll find a lot of cars that look good but have bumpers that are cracked, scratched, or simply faded. This means a lot of people will look to buy new bumpers.


If your car's bumpers are in good condition, you can make a few hundred dollars from them. The amount depends on the year, model, and make of your car.


Rims And Tires

Car Wheels
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

If you have aluminium wheels, you have treasure that many car enthusiasts would bid on. Rims, tires, and wheels are very important, and investing in them is on most car owners' priority list. No matter how old your car is, don't underestimate the value it can provide to the next owner.


Car modification experts are always looking out for wheels and rims that they can use. If the condition is good, you have a better chance of making a decent amount from them.


Audio System

Car Radio
Daniel Pullen/Future Publishing via Getty Images
Daniel Pullen/Future Publishing via Getty Images

A working radio or audio system is nothing less than bliss. Enjoying your favorite songs or listening to a game is something people love to do while commuting. If you have a nice audio system in working condition, congratulations! You can make some really good money off it.


If you have a fancy audio system belonging to a top-notch brand that was installed separately, even better. This can sell at an even higher price, provided it still sounds good.


Air Bags

Air Bags
BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images
BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images

If your airbags were never used, there's great news for you! This means that you never got into a big accident and also that you'll be able to sell them. Some people look for unused airbags for their older cars, as installing brand new ones can be a costly affair. The installation alone can run nearly $1,000.


Your unused airbags can fetch you roughly $200. The main thing to point out to potential buyers is the safety and of course, the cost of brand new airbags.



Tesla Model X 90D full electric luxury crossover SUV car on display
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

While we all know that an old car's doors can be sold as scrap, don't make that mistake. If your car is old and you're planning to sell off all the parts, the doors can fetch you a really good amount.


Doors are much more than entryways to the car. They contain window controls, lock and unlock functions, mirror controls, etc. All of these components can be sold off separately. Try and look for someone with the same car so that it is easier to sell the entire door. If not, its time to part the parts!


Catalytic Converters

Catalytic Converter
Ina Fassbender/picture alliance via Getty Images
Ina Fassbender/picture alliance via Getty Images

Catalytic converters are of great significance to any car. They are made of precious metals such as platinum, rhodium, or palladium which makes the resale value quite high. Since their function is to lower the harmful fumes emitted by a vehicle, car owners are always looking for them.


If your catalytic converter is in excellent condition, the chances of it selling at a high price are very good. It is important to keep checking on it and maintaining it from time to time.


Wheel Fenders

Julian Stratenschulte/picture alliance via Getty Images
Julian Stratenschulte/picture alliance via Getty Images

Fenders generally come to mind only when your car is brand new or when it has been damaged. Fenders protect the wheels and some parts of the undercarriage of your car. In newer cars, replacing fenders is an expensive affair. The fenders and bumpers come connected and buying new fenders means buying new bumpers too, whether needed or not.


This is good for all those people who want to sell their fenders because buyers will have to purchase both.



Mark Kolbe/Getty Images
Mark Kolbe/Getty Images

If you're wondering what a radiator's worth could be, honestly, it isn't all that much. However, it does have some value since it is made of aluminium. It can be sold at a car parts recycling facility or a scrapyard. Also, since it is placed right behind the grille, it is easily removable as well.


When you're all set to remove your radiator to sell it, know that you will have to remove the coolant first after draining it out. Once that's done, you can contact a recycling facility near you.



Car Hood
John Keeble/Getty Images
John Keeble/Getty Images

Hoods are the tough shields at the front of our cars. Designed to absorb damage, they're one of many safety measures in a car. This also means that the damage that the hood takes is frequently not repairable. If you've been lucky enough to have avoided any bump-ups, it is likely that your hood is in decent condition.


You could easily sell it off to a car owner that needs it, car parts recycling facilities, or websites that deal in selling of automobile parts. The better the condition of your hood, the bigger the price you can ask!




Windshields can get broken easily. They're made of tough glass, of course, but glass is glass and the greater the impact, the higher the chances of it being cracked or broken. The good news is that this has opened a whole new market for auto glass replacement.


Your buyers will be mostly those who don't have adequate insurance to replace their broken windshields. The shipping costs of glass are on the higher side so the best thing to do would be to find a buyer nearby.


Headlights And Tail Lights

Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture alliance via Getty Images
Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/picture alliance via Getty Images

Buying headlights and tail lights can be an expensive affair today. They're complex, and features like xenon or LED lights can mean more money. This is why some people are interested in purchasing used headlights and tail lights. They fetch the seller a decent amount, especially if the car has expensive HID and xenon lights.


If your car's headlights and taillights are in a good condition, they can be easily sold on websites that deal in used auto parts. These items can be shipped easily too.



Car Battery
Christophe Gateau/picture alliance via Getty Images
Christophe Gateau/picture alliance via Getty Images

A car's battery has one most important functions -- to start the car. When your engine is off, the car lights, music system, and other accessories are powered by the battery. This makes the battery the heart of your car. No battery = no life. Selling this part can fetch you a good amount.


Try not to sell it as scrap, as it will only bring in a small amount. You're sure to find someone in need of a good car battery so ensure that you maintain your battery's condition.


Air Conditioning

Car AC
Rolf Vennenbernd/picture alliance via Getty Images
Rolf Vennenbernd/picture alliance via Getty Images

Who wants to be sweating in a car when the weather is hot? Air conditioning is a must for any car and if someone's air conditioning has conked out, it is quite a nightmare. If your car is really old and you don't think anything is really worth selling off, the air conditioner or its compressor might come to your rescue.


You will, however, need to maintain it and get it repaired if necessary. Nobody wants an air conditioner that doesn't do its job. If it is in good condition already, expect a decent amount of money from selling it.



Will Campbell / Barcroft Media via Getty Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Will Campbell / Barcroft Media via Getty Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Tailgates can fetch you a few hundred dollars. They may look like they don't have much use but in reality, they are quite sought-after when it comes to used car parts. They are especially important in SUVs, pickup trucks, and hatchbacks. So if you have an old car that you don't plan to use anymore, you can easily sell off the tailgate.


The suggestion again is to look for a buyer nearby since these cost a lot to ship.



Car Seats
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

Car seats are the parts that suffer the most over the years. Wear and tear to upholstery and worn out padding eventually leads to the seats being uncomfortable and not of much use later on. If your car is relatively old, you can sell your car seats. Ensure that they're in an acceptable condition, otherwise you might not be able to sell them at a good price.


You can find many buyers for car seats. You might put up an online advertisement or reach out to potential buyers directly, if you know someone in need of car seats. They won't fetch you a grand amount but in decent enough condition, you can expect a reasonable return.


Exhaust System

Car Exhaust
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

An exhaust system is responsible for reducing fumes and harmful emissions from your car. Being necessary for every car owner, an exhaust is of very high value. The catalytic converter is a part of the exhaust system so you could go on to sell the entire unit together.


Since a brand new unit can cost up to $1,000, many people usually look for a used one. This means that there's a really good chance to sell it off quickly while earning a fair amount of money in return. You can also sell it off to an auto parts retailer if you're unable to find an individual buyer.


Motor Oil And Oil Filters

Motor Oil
Jeffrey Greenberg/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Jeffrey Greenberg/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Engine oil gets dirty over time. This is why old motor oil and oil filters might not fetch you a good deal. However, if you do plan to sell, you can have them cleaned and rebuilt. It is better do get this done if you're looking to make a decent amount. Nobody will be interested in purchasing dirty engine oil and filters.


Once you are ready to sell, car garages will be your best option besides authorized recycling facilities that can reuse the motor oil in other cars.


Dashboard Unit

Dashboard Unit
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

A car's dashboard is where most of its function comes from. From the speedometer to the odometer to the indicators and lights, all these controls are in your hands, literally. A dashboard does have value for resale.


The only way to make decent money on your dashboard is to ensure that it is in good condition. Make some repairs if needed. Look on the internet for potential buyers or check with your local auto parts retailers.



Car Muffler
Martyn Lucy/Getty Images
Martyn Lucy/Getty Images

Who likes a noisy car engine? The near-unanimous answer is: no one. This makes the muffler such an important part of your car. It consists of a set of tubes that are perforated in order to minimize noise. It also enhances the performance of your car as it helps it to get rid of harmful gases faster.


A muffler's sale will depend on the make and model of your car. If you are in a hurry, you can always sell it to a scrapyard but it's advisable to wait for a bit if you are looking for a better bid.


Side View Mirrors

Sideview Mirror
Quincy Perkins / Barcroft Cars / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Quincy Perkins / Barcroft Cars / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

This is plain and simple. Side view mirrors are a necessary part for any car. You need them at all times to stay vigilant about what's going on behind your car. We also know that side view mirrors tend to get broken or scratched very easily. If we forget to turn them in before getting into a tight parking spot, they are doomed.


Side view mirrors are always in demand. They can be sold for a decent amount, provided they are in a decent condition. Ensure that there are no cracks and scratches on them before looking for a potential buyer.


Clutch Kits

Clutch kits
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you're a "car parts maintenance" conscious driver, chances are that your clutch has been used less than normal. This means it hasn't been the victim of much wear and tear. If you haven't been paying attention to your clutch yet, it is time to make some changes. While you're waiting in a traffic jam, ensure that you have the brakes on and you shift the gear to neutral instead of using your clutch. This not only extends the lifespan of your clutch but ensures a good return on it when you sell it.


New clutch kits can be expensive, as the replacement process itself is very costly. Buyers often look for used clutches for this very reason.


Brake Discs

Brake Disc
National Motor Museum/Heritage Images/Getty Images
National Motor Museum/Heritage Images/Getty Images

The braking mechanism of a car is seemingly simple but it does have a good deal of science behind it. The brake discs work along with brake pads to convert your car's kinetic energy to bring it to a complete halt when needed. Brake discs have a very limited capability to absorb heat. Any extra heat must be dissipated to the ambient air rather quickly to prevent any damage from overheating.


This makes a brake disc an important component of the braking mechanism. While new ones can be a costly affair, used ones have a good chance of selling for a higher price, making them a profitable sell.


Floor Mats

Floor mats
Adam Gray / Barcroft Media via Getty Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
Adam Gray / Barcroft Media via Getty Images / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Floor mats seem to do a simple job. They keep the floor of your car free of dirt and other messes. However, they shouldn't emit any strong odors either. Since most car floor mats are made of rubber, they have a tendency to emit a nasty rubbery odor that people don't like.


If you're planning to make some money by selling your floor mats, you need to check for any kind of odors or wear and tear. If you've maintained your floor mats, you will be lucky to sell them at a good price.


Shocks And Struts

Shocks and Struts
Julian Stratenschulte/picture alliance via Getty Images
Julian Stratenschulte/picture alliance via Getty Images

Shocks and struts are movement stabilizers for your car. Whether you're taking a turn, braking, or accelerating, it is the shocks and struts at work. They keep your tires in touch with the pavement. Without them, you wouldn't have a smooth drive. The bumpier the ride, the shorter the life span of shocks and struts


If you're someone who has used their car for regular purposes only on smooth roads, you could be fortunate enough to sell them of for a good amount. So if you've been a good driver who is careful on bumpy roads, you should be happy right now!



Alexander DemianchukTASS via Getty Images
Alexander DemianchukTASS via Getty Images

Weatherstripping often goes unnoticed but is very important. These rubber parts seal the edges of your car's windows, doors and windshield. As the name suggests, the function is to prevent snow, dirt, sand and rain from entering your car. Whether for doors, windows, roofrails, or windshields, you can sell all of them.


Weatherstripping takes a beating and can wear out quickly. This means that there are many potential buyers for weatherstripping and if you're planning to sell your old car parts, add this to your list.


Power Steering Pump

Power Steering
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

As the name suggests, the power steering pump is responsible for power steering in your car. It runs with the help of a belt and pulley. The retractable vanes spin inside the chamber and pull hydraulic fluid from the return line. It also has a rotary valve that can sense the amount of pressure on the steering wheel. The process isn't as complex as it sounds but prolonged usage leads to wear and tear of vane pumps.


It can be quite costly for a buyer to purchase a brand new vane pump and have it installed. Since most car parts come with expensive installation procedures, lots of buyers look for used parts instead of new ones.


Gel Enhanced Seat Cushions

Gel cushion seats
Barrett-Jackson via Getty Images
Barrett-Jackson via Getty Images

If you're someone who lists comfort in a car as priority, there's good news for you! Gel enhanced seat cushions provide comfort and prevent the body aches that present themselves after long sitting hours in a car.


If your car has gel enhanced seat cushions that you want to sell, your ideal potential buyers will be those who have a long daily driving time. You can look for such buyers online or you can sell the gel enhanced seat cushions to an auto parts dealer in your area. Well-maintained cushions can fetch you a good price.


Wind Deflectors

Wind Deflectors
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

Wind deflectors work as a contour kit for your car. They improve the aerodynamics in order for the car to be stable even at high speeds. They may look simple but they make your drive way more efficient. You're even able to drive without any turbulence with all your windows open, thanks to deflectors.


Better aerodynamics also means better fuel efficiency. This is one point to remember when making a sales pitch for your wind deflectors to potential buyers.


Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head
Stefan Puchner/picture alliance via Getty Images
Stefan Puchner/picture alliance via Getty Images

A cylinder head can be found at the top of the engine block. It houses important components like exhaust valves, the combustion chamber, and springs and lifters.The ports allow air and fuel to flow inside the cylinder while releasing the exhaust gases out. The cylinder head is also responsible for channeling the coolant into the engine block that helps the engine components to cool down. The gasket prevents oil or water leakage.


Now that you see the importance of cylinder heads, you might be guessing that they can be sold off for a good price. If you are unable to find an individual buyer, you can always sell to auto parts retailers.


Control Arm

Control Arm
Krystof Kriz/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Krystof Kriz/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The control arm, or the A-arm, is responsible for your car's tires moving up and down smoothly. Without control arms, you'd have a not-so-fun ride every day. Your car's wheels remain in line with the body because of them. They connect the car's suspension to the frame of your car through brushings and are attached to the suspension through the ball. This allows your car to wheel and pivot.


The number of control arms on your car depends on whether your car's suspension system is equipped with struts or shocks. Most cars have control arms only in the front suspension. You need to have that checked before you find a buyer for yours.


Decals, Stickers And Emblems

Leon Neal/Getty Images
Leon Neal/Getty Images

If you're someone who loves to keep the car decorated with some good graphics and stickers, then you're in for a pleasant surprise. There are plenty of buyers for your decals, stickers and emblems. The most important question that pops up when thinking about selling your decals and stickers is whether the procedure of removing them will cause any paint damage.


The answer is no, unless your car's paint is of cheap quality. If you've maintained your decals properly through the years, they will be easy to remove and sell.


Plug Wires

Plug Wires
Soeren Stache/picture alliance via Getty Images
Soeren Stache/picture alliance via Getty Images

Ignition cables are also known as spark plug wires. They are active parts in getting a car started. They transfer a spark from the ignition coil and ignite the air-fuel mixture to start the engine. As such, these are extremely important.


Worn out spark plug wires start leaking voltage to engine parts and create performance problems. This is why it is always recommended to replace them before this happens to prevent other parts from getting damaged too. This makes it a car part that people are willing to buy in good condition.


Vintage Car Parts And Accessories

Vintage Car Parts
Sushil Kumar/Hindustan Times via Getty Images
Sushil Kumar/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Vintage car parts and accessories are all the rage among those who like to collect and maintain old cars. If you have any, you could make a fortune.


When selling off any vintage car parts, you can search for an individual buyer or can even become a part of the auctioning process. Most people are ready to pay big bucks for vintage auto parts because of their scarcity and also because of the novelty factor.


Manuals And Literature

The Toronto library has a remarkable collection of automotive books
Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images
Rick Madonik/Toronto Star via Getty Images

Car manuals and literature are of extreme importance to most owners. They not only act as a guide but also help owners understand their car and its parts better. Most of them also come with warranty and repair information along with service centers' locations, etc. If you're planning to sell your car, these are of no use to you but why dispose when you can sell?


If you still have the manuals with you, you can find a potential buyer in someone who drives the same car model.


Jumper Cables

Jump battery
Stewart Kirby/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Stewart Kirby/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Jumper cables are a pair of insulated wires that have alligator clips at both ends. These clips connect the car with another functional vehicle, equipment, or battery with the same system voltage. Jumper cables are used to start a car when the car battery dies.


These can be very important for people who have older cars that tend to drain out battery life sooner than expected. Jumper wires won't fetch you a big payday but surely will come handy for those who need it. And, as we said before, extra money never hurts!


Leveling Kit

Leveling Kit
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images
Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty Images

If you own an SUV or a pickup truck, you already know what we are talking about. SUVs and trucks usually have the rear of the car a little higher than the front. It is a practical design since SUVs and trucks are designed to carry a load at the back. However, most people don't necessarily purchase SUVs and trucks for this purpose and can find this imperfection in alignment unsettling.


If you're someone who doesn't like this feature, chances are that you purchased a leveling kit to level the front and rear of your car. Now that you're selling the parts off, this can make a very good buy for the next owner too. Remember to up-sell this.


Fog Lights

Fog Lights
Faisal Khan/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Faisal Khan/NurPhoto via Getty Images

As the name suggests, these lights on your car are made to be used in specific weather conditions. When it is foggy and misty outside, these lights can offer better visibility because they emit bar-shaped beams that aren't harsh on the eyes. At the same time, they improve visibility.


Fog lights are a safety measure and this can make them even more attractive to potential buyers. It will be easy for you to find a buyer if you live in a region that calls for regular use of fog lights.


Keys And Keyless Entry Fobs

Keyless fobs
Uli Deck/picture alliance via Getty Images
Uli Deck/picture alliance via Getty Images

When selling your keyless fobs or keys, there are specific websites that will readily buy them from you. You can compare different websites for the price they're willing to pay for your keys.


As far as finding an individual buyer is concerned, it is hard for this particular part as the key needs to be reprogrammed for the new buyer's car. It is best sold to key fob specialists who can reprogram and resell it.


Decorative Car Accessories

Car steering
Turkey's Automobile Initiative Group's Official Twitter Page / Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Turkey's Automobile Initiative Group's Official Twitter Page / Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

There's a lot you do to the interior of your car when you first buy it. You might have purchased a steering wheel cover or sunshades, car air fresheners, car covers, etc. Remember that they are of value too and can be sold. A lot of people like their car to look good and are detail-oriented enough to want these small internal enhancements.


If you've maintained your accessories in good condition, you can always look for potential buyers for them, as they not only make a car look cool and fresh but also help to enhance the driving experience.

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